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How to Create a Culture of Continuous Improvement

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"How to Create a Culture of Continuous Improvement"

Increasingly, the companies that continue to thrive across the globe are those who adopt a culture of continuous improvement.

Continuous improvement is the process of ongoing development of a company’s processes, products, services, leadership style and often how the workforce is treated.

A culture of continuous improvement seeks to promote that desire for development throughout the entire workforce, a key factor of which is improvement from the bottom up.

Where a company’s decision-making process is top-heavy and management-led, the resulting feeling of powerlessness generally felt by the workforce can result in a negative work culture that does not fulfill its productivity potential.

Seeking to improve a company through the combined effort and ideas of the entire workforce, regardless of their role or level of seniority, has come to be recognized as an effective way to create a sustainable business.

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